Frontier Management Inc.

Employee Educational Support

FMI supports the curiosity and ambition of its employees.
We offer training and other programs geared to support employees’ drive for rapid professional growth.

Training for Graduate Hires (The following is just one example.)
  • Business Etiquette Training
  • Compliance Training
  • Excel, PowerPoint, Word
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Industry Knowledge
  • Facilitation
  • Research Tools
  • Meeting Minutes Writing
  • Word (Markup)
  • Problem Solving
  • Enterprise Research

※In enterprise research, one real operating company is selected as the theme for training. During the training period, trainees acquire skills and knowledge. Next, over a one-week period, trainees apply these skills and knowledge to the preparation of a final report, with the full support of senior employees. While continuing to pursue their normal duties, the senior employees support trainees by establishing a framework for responding to their questions and requests for advice. The final report is presented with the President and the employees who served as instructors during the training period in attendance.

Training for Mid-career Hires (The following is just one example.)
Training by an in-house instructor

Trainees can view archive video at any time on the FMI intranet or their work smartphones.。

  • Medium-Term Management Plan
  • Financial and Tax Due Diligence
  • Finance
  • Revitalization Plan
  • FA Basics
  • BPR
  • Digital Transformation
  • Cost Structure
  • Marketing
  • New Business
  • M&A Variations
Group Training by an in-house or outside instructor

Courses are presented on a regular basis.

  • Problem Solving
  • Enterprise Research
  • Project Management
  • Strategic Thinking

In addition to the above, interested employees are provided with a fee-payable account on an online training video platform. Account registration entitles the employee to unlimited viewing of over 8,000 lessons. Mandatory and recommended courses are specified for each department and organized to make clear which courses should be taken as a matter of priority.

Mentor programs

For the first year of employment, both graduate hires and mid-career hires are assigned a mentor who is a senior employee in a different department. The mentor advises the new employees generally on work and careers, supporting them in developing and establishing full capability as early as possible.

Interdepartmental transfer support programs

FMI employees design their own careers. This program enables employees to transfer to another department if they wish to do so. Participants are accepted twice a year.

Skill development support programs

For employees who require qualifications or language study to pursue their mid-term careers or an upcoming project, FMI offers support in the form of partial defrayment of expenses.